Avisi Blog Spot 6.16.2020
Avisi Blog Spot 6.16.2020
By most accounts, 2019 was a great year for small and medium size businesses, and 2020 started off full of economic promise. No business owner could have seen all the challenges that would be presented with an economy that was stopped dead in its tracks from a pandemic and then complicated by political unrest and long ignored social injustice issues. In February 2020 the United States had its highest level of employment in over 20 years with 150.1 million jobs of which 59.9 million of those jobs came from small businesses whose employee headcounts were less than 49 employees. The pandemic and social issues stopped this trend dead in its tracks and in 60 days the economy had lost more than 20 million jobs and have left the Small Business Owner and American Industry in a place of carving out a new economy and road map to profitability.
By all accounts businesses are going to have to address the wide-ranging socio-economic issues caused here that are specific to their industry and their customers and embrace new technologies and innovations that make both customers and employees more engaged with their business, brand and delivery apparatus.
With that said, it is good news that, several recent studies have found that small-business owners are overall confident about their future. Even while reeling from the effects of Covid-19, small business owners around the nation in May 2020 showed signs of increased confidence for the future, according to a new survey by the National Federation of Independent Business. The survey found 34% of business owners expected the economy to improve this year which was up five points over April and 5% of the business owners surveyed believed it was a good time to expand, which was up two points from April.
With all of these issues dominating the political and economic stage is the case for making energy improvements more viable now to business? We suggest the answer is YES! It has been shown that Solar for commercial business has a Triple Bottom Line. Economic Benefits, ROI’s consistently above 20%, Social Benefits, healthier/happier work force, Environmental Benefits, reduction of carbon footprint.
Climate Change and Energy Conservation have been hot-button issues for many years and the movement and industry trend have represented and proven economic benefits, social prosperity and environmental responsibility for trade representatives and consumers alike as more and more residences and commercial enterprises are turning to renewable sources for energy production. To that end Solar Power is the world’s leading source of renewable energy because it’s the most easily accesible and least expensive option and its added benefits portray a socially responsible business that cares about its employees, customers and its market.
The potential for solar energy is astounding…
* In one hour enough sunlight reaches the Earth to supply its energy needs for an entire year!
* Elimination of Energy Costs on average represent a 20% increase in profitability for a company!
* Solar Energy installations are rated to last up to 30 years and have projected viability to 50 years!
* Solar Costs have dropped by a factor of 5 since 2010 and continue to drop.!
* Brand Awareness , consumers want to feel comfortable in the products and services they sign up for!